Privacy Policy: Personal Information Used for Non-Investigative Purposes

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Mandate for Investigative Use of Personal Information

OSINT for Ukraine is dedicated to upholding the right to privacy. We ensure the confidentiality and security of personal data through rigorous adherence to applicable laws, best practices and internal regulations.

At OFU, our compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) reflects our commitment to the highest standards of data protection. The GDPR, established by the European Union, mandates strict safeguards for handling personal data, emphasizing the necessity of data minimization—that is, the principle of collecting and processing only the amount of personal data absolutely required for specific, defined purposes

When processing personal information during investigations, our practices are strictly governed by Article 43 of the Dutch GDPR Implementation Act. This article specifies that the rights of data subjects, as detailed in Chapter 3 of the Act, do not apply when personal data is solely processed for journalistic purposes or for the benefit of academic, artistic, or literary expression. This exemption allows us to balance the need for privacy with the public interest in the free dissemination of information. Even with the Article 43 exemption, OSINT for Ukraine remains committed to the principle of data minimization. We consistently apply this standard to ensure that the least amount of personal data necessary is processed during our investigations

We prioritize the security and integrity of our investigative processes through strict compartmentalization. This approach ensures that sensitive information is segmented and distributed only as necessary among our team members. By limiting access to information to those who require it for their specific roles, we minimize risks and enhance the protection of our operations. This method not only secures our data but also fortifies our investigations, maintaining confidentiality and preventing unauthorized disclosures.

When processing personal data of individuals from EU and non-EU countries, OSINT for Ukraine strives to ensure compliance with the GDPR where applicable. Subjects of investigation or data holders may exercise their rights to access, correct, restrict, transfer, object to, or request deletion of their personal data by reaching out to us at

At a final note we find it fit to reserve the right to revise this data privacy policy.